Sunday 29 June 2008

2009 Year of the Brassica?

(picture to follow soon)
We took the decision to pull up the shallots and garlic yesterday as we didn't want them rotting in the soil (its been quite wet of late). So in their absence we planted the volunteer PSB (I found more so they've now increased to 7), 5 PSB plants, 5 Romanesco cauliflower plants and the other 5 red cabbage plants (although they went in next to the 15 other red cabbage) we bought off t'internet.


Matron said...

How are you protecting all your brassicas? I am just about to build a fort-knox tent!

Lisa said...

Just netting and metal hoops/wooden posts so that the pigeons can't get at them and any butterflies (i hope. Seems thats what my plot neighbours are doing aswell so I should be alright. First time growing winter brassicas so I'm keeping everything crossed.

mborgwes said...

I'm assuming you mean 09 as it'll be winter? can you bring some brassicas boarding? think they'd be any good?