An attempt at growing our own veggies, reducing our food miles and filling our bellies...
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Lettuce eat salad
The Growing Season starts here...
Did a solo digging session last night and managed to clear an area about 6 metres squared of weeds ready to plant out the broad beans when I get back next week. Found some very large but chewed-by-slugs potatoes that I missed when digging last year's crop up. Oh well at least the soil is nice and crumbly.
On Sunday we managed to plant the rest of the potatoes - the maincrops, Pink Fir Apple and Cara (2 rows each of 20 tubers). MJC planted the last of the onions (hope they're not too late in!).
Monday, I transplanted the rest of the tomato seedlings and tranferred them upstairs out of the way of the kitties.
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Start of the marathon potato planting...
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Peas and Beans
And in other news...
MJC planted 2 beds worth of onions - Red Baron and White Prince (sound like characters out of a fairy tale) - and we still need another bed for the New Fen Globe. We'll definately be self-sufficient in onions next year.
I started weeding the area where the potatos will be planted and after I left to go the the allotment committee meeting, MJC dug two trenches ready for some of the potatoes.
If the weather's nice tomorrow evening then I think it's another solo visit for me.
A sign of things to come?
The garlic is looking lush and healthy. I wonder if it's had enough cold to split properly into cloves? Well I'll have to be patient and wait until summer... The shallots have sprung into life.
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Little and Large
No potato planting today
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
'Chokes are go
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
You go away for 2 days....
Going to try and plant the Jerusalem Artichokes one night this week if the weather behaves as they're sprouting. Also going to start preparing the early potato bed and maybe get them in too. I think we got a variety called Nicola, but I can't remember and I've lost the label...hmmm.